Thursday, April 01, 2004

Passion of the Park

Passion of South Park

Is it just me or did they insert the "Dean Scream" into the Passion of Christ SFX on South Park? Coulda sworn it!

Yes, in the latest espisode, the Passion of Christ has come to South Park. Stan calls it a snuff film and he and Kenny track Mel down to demand their money back. Mel practically begs to be tortured in exchange for the $18 they paid for their tix. Cartman becomes a neo-fascist, though most of those who view the flick aren't initially affected that way--they simply become annoyingly evangelical and frighteningly sheeplike. South Park's movie theater becomes a church. Kyle goes to synagogue and asks the congregation to apologize for killing Christ. And Mel goes on a rampage, chasing the boys in a truck, crashing it, and smearing his blood over a doorpost.

Great satire. No one emerges unscathed.

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