Saturday, September 25, 2004

Por Qué Che?

I've been interested enough in Che Guevara to want to learn more about him, but troubled by the idea of lionizing him. Slate's Paul Berman does a good job of articulating why. Che advocated violence. And a helluva lot of it.

I have a feeling a lot of the kids wearing Che t-shirts don't know that and that it's the cool design, the iconic image they're buying into, while knowing Che's become a symbol of the left.

But why can't we have heroes like Vaclav Havel instead? He lead a revolution from the left, too, you know. But it had the distinction of being a velvet one. Maybe I'll work up a Havel t-shirt. Havel apparel.

Viva la Velvet Revolution!

(Via Andy Sullivan, moderate/right/not right enough lately for some icon.)

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