Friday, September 24, 2004

O'Reilly Vs. Gross: Round II

Couple of days ago, Bill O'Reilly had another showdown with Terry Gross. Found this particular part of their exchange particularly amusing:
GROSS: The point, Bill, is that I think the interview was very fair. The ombudsman criticized it. That's fine. That's the ombudsman's job; to stand back and pass judgment on how things were done. He's an independent voice.
O'REILLY: Right.
GROSS: Does Fox News have an ombudsman?
O'REILLY: Yes. We have an ombudsman some place, I think.
GROSS: I don't think so.
O'REILLY: He's in the closet.
GROSS: Give me a call when you find him.
Note how O'Reilly joked/backpeddled about the presence of an ombudsman. Maybe because he was afraid of getting busted when it turned out Fox didn't have one? I assume they don't. 'Cos, hey, when you're "fair and balanced" by default, who needs an ombudsman. Right?

Related: Here, Slate's Jack Shafer advises how to handle O'Reilly.

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