Friday, August 20, 2004

Marrakech Express

I'm in Marrakech right now, which I think is similar in size to Casa (as the locals call it), though perhaps a little smaller. I think Casa's about 6 million. Either way, both are huge. And did I mention it's HOT here, too? It's supposed to get up to 105 here in Marrakech tomorrow. Must have been nearly that hot today.

The train ride here was a riot--almost literally. Along with many others, I thought I might have to stand up in the aisle most of the way. As the train got rolling, a shouting match broke out when people in one of cabins refused to let an additional woman with her child enter. An elderly woman in that cabin began yelling, and children began crying, so I moved down and away from the fracas, stood outside another cabin for a good couple of hours. Eventually, an older woman inside smiled at me; I smiled back. Then she made people move around, put kids on their laps, so I could have a seat. Very nice of her.

It's only a very small sampling, of course, but the oldest woman in both cabins took charge of the situation both times, and I have to wonder if Morocco's a bit of a matriarchal society in the same way I found Korea to be when I lived there. Ostensibly, the men are in charge, of course, but the women know how to work the system. And good for them.

Next time I may have to get a first class (or "Express") ticket. Of course, my ticket from Casa to Marrakech was only about 8 or 9 bucks, so I can't really complain too much.


Finished 9:51pm Morocco time

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