Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Michael Bérubé points to this warning from the Vatican in order to highlight the RC allergy for feminism. I begin to read it, but run into trouble by the third word of their screed: "The Church," it begins, "expert in humanity." Eh?!

"Expert in humanity?" Is there a meaning I'm missing there? A connotation I'm not familiar with?

Can an institution really be considered "expert in humanity" in the 21st century when it hangs onto barbarous superstition for dear life? Contraception is wrong? Homosexuality is wrong? These aren't the enlightened beliefs reflective of a system remotely familiar with what I've come to know as humanity.

"Expert in fetish" maybe. "Ignorance" perhaps.

(My sincere apologies to the many progressive Catholics out there for my tone here; I know many do not latch upon the Pope's every utterance as some do.)

The release goes on to discuss fears of the dissolution of the family, and of homosexuality and heterosexuality becoming "virtually equivalent, in a new model of polymorphous sexuality."

All of this without reference to a single study, without reference to a shred of evidence to support their fears (unless you count Biblical references aplenty), exhibiting the Vatican's typical disregard for anything remotely resembling science.

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