My brother has some innovative Altoid tin art up for bid on eBay. Great combination of creativity and socio-political commentary. You may hafta fight me for it, though.
the thoughts of one Robert Stribley, who plans to contribute his dispatches with characteristic infrequency
It looks like we were naive in believing that people would be true and do what they actually said they would do. All those that received these street pasters knew that they were not to be auctioned on EBAY or sold anywhere else. Its extremely discouraging when we intentionally make Shep’s art obtainable and affordable for all and in turn are exploited and taken advantage of by GREEDY people. We put 100% of the poster proceeds back into the Obama campaign.They do plan on making more prints available soon, 600 this coming Thursday.
In 1903 the trade journal Telephony reported an elderly woman's complaints about her niece, who received a phone call from a male friend while dressing. “The two of them stood talking to one another just as if they were entirely dressed and had stopped for a little chat on the street! I tell you this generation is too much for me,” she grumbled.Telephone protocol also differs around the world: in parts of Scandinavia, people text you first to get your permission to call (I kinda like that), and in Japan using your phone for spoken conversations on the train is verboten, although phones work there. If we get connectivity on the subway here in New York (and you can guarantee we will), I hope that's a custom that's appropriated here, pronto.
The absolute value of love makes life worth while and so makes Man's strange and difficult situation acceptable. Love cannot save life from death; but it can fulfill life's purpose.
- Arnold J. Toynbee, "Why and how I work," 1969
For the pain, suffering and hurt of these stolen generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry.The phrase "stolen generations" refers specifically to mixed race aborigine children who were taken away from their families and made wards of the state, supposedly for their own protection. Phillip Noyce's heart-breaking movie Rabbit Proof Fence portrays the life of one such individual, Molly Craig, whose daughter, Doris Pilkington Garimara, wrote a memoir detailing her experience.
To the mothers and fathers, the brothers and sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry.
- Australia's new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
This debate is occurring because of the Supreme Court's ruling that said that we must conduct ourselves under the Common Article III of the Geneva Convention. And that Common Article III says that there will be no outrages upon human dignity. It's very vague. What does that mean, "outrages upon human dignity"?Watch the Taxi to the Dark Side trailer
- George Bush
In refusing to air the film, Discovery is perpetuating what has become the policy of this government: it is ok to employ torture, just not to show it.
US politics often look absurd from a European perspective, since the entire bipartisan system maps onto the conservative half of European politics. A case in point is that the US "Left" is called "the liberals", while the Liberal Party in Sweden is part of the Right wing. How could it be otherwise? Liberalism is about free-market capitalism, small government, low taxes, all Right-wing ideals. Yes, both US parties advocate low taxes. Normal taxes are 30% to a Swede. And that's rock bottom, before adding the effect of progressive taxation. That's how we can afford universal health care. Hint, hint.
So, believe me, US politics don't have a Left. Looking at the presidential candidates, I am frankly appalled. None of them would be a viable politician in Sweden. They all support the death penalty, none advocates strict gun control and all make frequent mention of their religious beliefs in public. These are extremist stances. Not even the tiny Christian Democrat party mentions God publicly in Sweden, for fear of alienating the pragmatic rationalist majority.