Monday, October 08, 2007

Text Mapping Martin Amis

I went over to Many Eyes, which is a cool data visualization site provided (for free) by IBM, and I dropped in the text from Amis's recent essay "9/11 and the Cult of Death." I then created a couple of visualizations folks might enjoy manipulating:
You can manipulate the text in different ways, which may reveal various things about his writing. I learned about this fantastic site last week when I attended the IDEA Conference here in NYC, and Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg from IBM's Visual Communication Lab demoed the site for us.

Tangentially, it would seem I've written a lot about Amis recently. Here's a screen shot of a tag cloud of this blog from Technorati:

Hitched to Everything Tag Cloud from Technorati

Bush beats him out, though. Doh!

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