Thursday, July 08, 2004

Surprise! (Take 1 & 2)

Take 1: Surprise! The Editors at National Review think Edwards a good choice for Veep and advise Republicans not to make too much of Edwards's career as a trial lawyer:
They should not overestimate the extent to which the public at large shares their dislike of trial lawyers. They make their money, after all, by telling sympathetic stories that win over ordinary people.
'Cos, you know, trial lawyers stick it to the man. I'd also advise conservatives not to make too much of Kerry and Edwards's deep pockets. 'Cos, er, Bush and Cheney are both filthy rich.

Take 2: Surprise! Kenneth Starr reviews Clinton's memoir My Life for the Wall Street Journal, but spends most of his review justifying his role in the Whitewater investigations. Ken, Ken, this is how you review a memoir.

Starr makes no specific mention of any passage in the book; neither does he quote a single word from it. Seems he's as bad a book reviewer as he is a prosecutor.

OK, technically, the piece is labeled an "article" and not a review, but still, if you're gonna write a 1031 word piece about a 1008 page book, shouldn't you refer to *something* specific in it?

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